Essential Things to Know About Guinea Pigs
They Are Not an "Easy Starter Pet" for Kids
Guinea pigs require a bit more care than a lot of other pets. They are small, but they are not a low maintenance pet. They are exotic animals that require consistent daily cleaning, a specialized diet, large habitats, daily attention and enrichment. This can make them a less than ideal pet for busy families, or individuals who are gone the majority of the time.
They are prey animals and that means they are naturally skittish and fearful of bigger animals and humans. It takes time and patience to build up trust. They will always run when you try to pick them up, which frustrates children and many adults that are looking for a "cuddly" pet. You have to work with them slowly on their terms, they are very much a "you get out what you put in" type of pet. Being a prey animal also means they hide illnesses, these illnesses can come on quickly and can require a costly trip to a special exotics vet. Not getting them immediate medical care can be deadly. Because they hide illness, they need an attentive caregiver that will notice small things that are out of character, things like not finishing favorite foods, or being quieter or lower energy than usual. This is another reason why we insist an adult be the primary caregiver.
They Need Unlimited Hay
Hay makes up 80% of their diet and helps keep their GI tract healthy. It also keeps teeth from overgrowing. Make sure guinea pigs have a constant supply of timothy hay, orchard hay, or orchard timothy blended hay. If under 6 months old, pregnant or nursing, feed alfalfa too.
They Need a Same Sex Friend
Guinea Pigs are a herd animals so having a friend is important to their health and well being. They won't bond with every pig though, so go through a rescue to make sure to get a good match! Most rescues will have single adoptable guinea pigs looking for a buddy, they can host a bonding session to make sure that the guinea pigs get along. If they don't want to share a cage, getting a grid mate is a great option! PLEASE do not house opposite sex guinea pigs together, we have more than enough unwanted guinea pigs out there. So many need homes, please adopt, don't shop!
They Need a Large Indoor Cage
A guinea pig's physiology is completely different than a rabbit or a rat and their habitat should be designed exclusively for their needs. They spend almost their entire lives in their habitat, please choose one that is best suited to the unique creatures that they are. They need at least 8 to 14 horizontal square feet of space. This gives guinea pigs plenty of room to exercise and helps keep them healthy and happy. C&C cages are ideal, light and bright with great ventilation. Pet store cages are too small. Guinea pigs housed in small cages are at risk of developing health issues like bumble foot, urinary tract infections, upper respiratory infections and arthritis. Rabbit hutches, aquariums and multi level rodent cages are not suitable for guinea pigs. Please read through our cage guide for more information and to see our cage requirements for adoption.
They Need A Special Vet
Not every vet can treat exotics, you'll need to find a special small animal exotic vet to treat your piggy. Piggies hide illness so please don't wait until it's too late to choose a suitable veterinarian for them. Veterinary care for a guinea pig is on par with dog or cat care. You can expect to spend around $1,000 for something like treating an upper respiratory infection. This requires a vet visit, x-rays, medication and often multiple follow up visits with more x-rays to monitor treatment. If your guinea pig needs more costly care like a surgery for an abscess removal or urinary stone, these procedures can cost between $3,000 and $5,000 dollars. We do want to be transparent about these costs. Not many people have a bottomless fund for vet expenses, but if the condition is treatable, you'll want to be able to provide that treatment and make sure there is no pain or suffering. You can also get pet insurance for guinea pigs.
Please No Breeding​​​
Please don’t house guinea pigs with an intact mate! There are so many guinea pigs in need of homes throughout Southern California and intentionally breeding is irresponsible and contributes to the problem.​ Pregnancies are very risky for female guinea pigs. With so many pigs in the shelters who need a great home, we do not want to bring babies into the world. Female pigs can get pregnant as early as 3 weeks of age (and also immediately after giving birth), and male pigs can father litters at 3 weeks old. Separating pups at 3 weeks of age is critical in preventing unwanted pregnancies. A vet (or your local rescue) can help you determine gender.
Do not consider spaying/neutering a guinea pig to pair with a friend of the opposite sex. Spay/neuter surgeries for pigs are high risk, they often result in death and should only be considered under life-threatening circumstances, as diagnosed by a qualified cavy vet.
​A Deep Dive Into Their Diet
Visit our Supply List page for links to all of the items listed below.
​Unlimited Hay: Guinea pigs should be free fed and have unlimited access to timothy or orchard hay 24/7. We tell adopters that if they have given hay and the piggies have eaten all of it or nearly all of it, you haven't givenenough. Unlimited hay should look like a small mountain. Additionally using a large hay bag or a small cat litter box and keeping full at all times will ensure that your piggies never run out.
​Not feeding hay 24/7 will lead to a number of health issues, including overgrown teeth, GI stasis, diarrhea, anorexia and heart disease. Malnutrition can lead to an early death and guinea pigs have a difficult time bouncing back from periods of malnutrition. Hay cubes or blocks are not a substitution for long strand loose hay. We are big fans of buying hay in bulk. You can purchase 25-50 lb boxes online of Oxbow or Small Pet Select hay, or try your local feed store and purchase by the flake or bale. This can save guinea pig owners a lot of money.​
Plain Timothy Based Pellets: In addition to unlimited hay, guinea pigs should have high quality plain timothy based pellets. Nursing mamas and babies can have alfalfa based pellets. You can purchase "Young Adult" guinea pig food which will have the addition of alfalfa in it.
*We understand the industry standard is 1/8 of pellets per piggy per day, however we recommend offering a full bowl of pellets. Most guinea pigs will not overeat. By feeding an 1/8 cup, which is two tablespoons of pellets, you run the risk of not feeding enough. By weighing your pig once a week, you can make an informed decision on how much pellets to feed based on your individual guinea pigs eating habits. If your piggie devours an entire bowl of pellets then you can limit the amount, but this is very rare as most guinea pigs will stick to hay being their primary source of sustenance. ​
Brands we recommend are Oxbow Essentials Cavy Cuisine Adult Guinea Pig Food, Oxbow Garden Select,
Oxbow Organic Bounty, Sherwood Small Pet Timothy pellet, and Small Pet Select.
*Please take care not to select rabbit or rat food as the bags look similar. Guinea pigs need food formulated for their unique nutritional needs. Pellets containing seeds, nuts or other colored bits are also extremely unhealthy for guinea pigs. ​
*All of our adoptable guinea pigs are currently eating Oxbow Essentials Adult Guinea Pig Food.​
Fresh Vegetables: Guinea pigs also need about a cup green leafy veggies each day. Check out our Veggie Guide for a more detailed list of recommended veggies. With this list you can learn how to build your piggies daily salads as well as avoid veggies higher in calcium which can cause painful and often deadly bladder stones.​
Vitamin C: We recommend giving a vitamin C supplement to ensure piggies are getting the needed 25-50mg per day. We love the Oxbow vitamin C cookies as well as the Childlife liquid vitamin C. You can give your guinea pig 1 ML of liquid vitamin C per day from a syringe. Most guinea pigs love the liquid vitamin C because it is sweet. Please do not add vitamin C drops to their water bottle. This contaminates the water and the vitamin C loses it's efficacy immediately. Lack of vitamin C can lead to life threatening scurvy, hair loss, brittle teeth and tooth loss, arthritis and more.​
Treats: Recommended treats include pea flakes, veggies and herbs, Oxbow and Kaytee timothy based fruit & veggie treats, Forage mix is also a nice treat you can sprinkle into the hay pile or feed by hand.
Never feed yogurt drops, salt and mineral licks, seeds, nuts, or treats and foods containing any of those.
​​Are Guinea Pigs the Right Companion Animal for You?
As we mentioned above, Guinea pigs make wonderful family pets, but they are not the right pet for everyone. They are marketed as "great starter pets for children" by big box pet stores, and we strongly disagree with this statement. Judging by the numbers of unwanted guinea pigs filling up our shelters, abandoned outdoors and the multitudes of emails and messages we, and every other rescue receive daily, we know that once they are purchased, consumers are finding they disagree with that claim as well.
It is our goal to fully inform. We have high standards for their care, if you can't commit to the amount of square footage they need for their habitat, or you think the vet costs are too high, they are not the right pet for you. If you are unsure about making the commitment, that's ok! We have an awesome foster to adopt program where we will set you up, give you all the support you need and facilitate the opportunity for you to "try before you buy".
Please read on and feel free to message us if you have any questions.
You (the parent) Must Be the Primary Caretaker for Life
We do not adopt guinea pigs out as children's pets for a long list of reasons. At the very top is that adopting a guinea pig is a five to ten year commitment. Children's schedules change a lot over a guinea pig's lifespan. They get busy with school, sports, friends, they often move out to attend college. Guinea pigs are practically impossible to rehome. The market is flooded, there are too many looking for homes and not enough homes to go around.
Teaching your Children Responsibility
We dislike the idea of guinea pigs being used to teach children responsibility because, sometimes kids just don't want, or can't handle, the responsibility and the guinea pigs suffer. Guinea pigs require daily cleaning, feeding and attention. We feel their care is too involved and demands a solid commitment every single day, this is a lot to put onto a child.
A much better approach is to lead by example with the parents assuming the full responsibility and bringing in the children to help. They will see you putting in the commitment every day and that will teach them what commitment, and being responsible for a living thing entails.
Our goal is to adopt our guinea pigs out as treasured family pets, with everyone working together to give them a good life, and sharing in the joy and silliness they bring.
​The Time Commitment
Guinea pigs are time consuming and they need specialized care. They live approximately eight to ten years and require about a minimum of 30 minutes a day. They need the following every single day:
Feeding: Unlimited fresh hay - Healthy pellets - One cup of fresh vegetables - Vitamin C Supplement - Refilling water bottles as needed
Cage Spot Cleaning: 15 to 30 minutes - replacing wet soiled bedding and sweeping out poop if using fleece
Attention & Enrichment: Guinea pigs are social animals; they get depressed and bored with little interaction.
Weekly Deep Cleaning: Laundering fleece bedding once a week (one to two hours ) or 100% replacement of paper bedding, disinfecting liners, washing water bowls and bottles.
Weekly Weighing: Weigh once a week to make sure your pig is not losing weight. Weight loss is the first sign something is wrong. Record weight with our printable weight tracker.
Monthly: Nail trims and boar cleanings.
Other Tasks: Shopping for, washing and prepping vegetables. Picking up hay at the feed store and storing, or ordering online.
Sample Schedule
Refill pellets, hay and water *hay must be available at ALL times
Provide Vitamin C supplement
Provide about 1 cup to cup and a half of fresh veggies PER PIG (healthy & toxic veggies list) You can break this up and feed half veggies in morning and half in evening if you like. **please note, this amount doesn't have to be exactly 1 cup, its ok to go a little over or under.
Spot clean habitat
Give lots of love, lap time, enrichment, floor time
Check weight & visual overall health inspection (Weighing is very important)
Thoroughly clean cage, water bottles (including spout with q-tip), food dishes
Launder fleece if using
Trim nails
Boar cleaning
Gently clean ears
Hair Trims for long hair piggies
Anti-fungal bath
Preventative ivermectin
Being Patient with their Natural Temperament
It can take a few months for a guinea pig to settle into a new home as the sights, sounds, and smells are all new to them. As small prey animals, they are usually skittish and slow to trust. They dislike being picked up and will run away and try and jump out of your hands. It takes time for them to come out of their shells but once they feel safe with you, the bond is well worth the time invested.
The Financial Commitment
$200 to $300 = initial cost for cage, bedding, accessories, adoption donation.
$30 to $50 = per month for bedding, hay, pellets, veggies, vitamin C
$80 to $600 = for simple vet visits plus medications & x-rays
$300 to $5000 for complex visits & surgeries (like bladder stones)

Guinea Pig Supply Checklist
See our Supplies List page for links to all our favorite items
See our Links & Resources page for trusted suppliers
* Cage / Habitat: Minimum 10.5 sq.feet (28"X56") and 8 sq. feet for singles. **PLEASE NOTE THAT SOME MALE PAIRS MAY REQUIRE LARGER THAN 10.5 SQ FT. If purchasing or building a C&C cage please make sure you are using the 14" square grids, not the 12" ones.
C&C & Kavee Cages are the best choice as they provide a little more space (above the minimum). The midwest guinea pig habitat is also a good choice if you purchase two and put them together. . Never house piggies in aquariums, multi level rodent cages or rabbit hutches.
* ALL of our pairs do require 10.5 sq feet of space (a 2x4 grid C&C or Kavee cage) ** please note that the grids must be the 14" square size, not the 12". Many people do make their own c&c cages. This is a good how to video.
The Midwest cage is a great option for singles and grid buddies but once you add two hides, a haybox or bag, bowls and water bottles, it is very tight for two guinea pigs which is why we cannot approve this size for a pair.
* Cage Bedding: Fleece with an absorbent layer underneath, Kiln Dried Pine, Aspen Shavings, Carefresh (No cedar, cat litter or newspaper) Plush Piggie makes a great cage liner. Fleece is the ONLY fabric we recommend as it wicks the urine away from the guinea pigs. Other fabrics stay wet and do not keep the piggies dry and clean. Puppy pads, newspaper and towels alone are not recommended.
* Water Bottle or Bowl: if using a bottle, at least one 16-oz bottle for 2 pigs. (2 for 2 pigs is great). Glass water bottles work great, they stay clean and last longer than plastic bottles.
* Food Dish: Heavy Duty Large Size (2 for 2 pigs is great)
* Huts & Hideouts: 2 Medium sized wooden or plastic (can use a cardboard box). Snuggle Sacks, Cuddle Cups & Caves, Soft Fleece Houses, Tunnels & Hammocks
* Pellets: High-quality plain timothy-based pellets only, no seeds, nuts or colored bits. Babies under 6 months and pregnant or nursing mamas need an alfalfa based pellet. Brands we highly recommend are Oxbow Essentials Cavy Cuisine Adult Guinea Pig Food, Oxbow Garden Select, Sherwood Small Pet, Timothy pellet, KleenMamas and Small Pet Select. *Our adoptable guinea pigs are currently eating Oxbow essentials.
* Hay: Orchard Hay OR Timothy Hay are best. We blend Orchard with Timothy Hay. Adopters should provide Alfalfa hay in addition to the orchard and timothy for pigs under 6 months
* Our adoptable guinea pigs are currently eating Orchard Hay AND Timothy Hay. Please provide BOTH kinds..
* Vitamin C Supplement: Oxbow “Cookies”, Vit. C Tablets or Liquid (50 mg). We like the childlife liquid vitamin C. Administer 1ML per day from a syringe if using liquid. DO NOT ADD VITAMIN C TO THE WATER.
* Toys, Chews & Treats: Hay/Twig Balls, Hay Squares & Blocks, Hay Filled Paper Bags, Pea Flakes, Timothy Biscuits, Puzzles, Treat balls, TP Rolls, Bamboo Sticks.
* Carrier: Sturdy Plastic with locks for small pet. Cat carriers with a top load work great for piggies.
* Nail Clippers & Cornstarch: To trim nails & stop bleeding for accidentally cut quicks.
*Q Tips & Coconut Oil: For Boar cleanings
* Scale: Digital Kitchen Scale with notebook or our weight tracker to record weight
* Pet Friendly Cleaner: Jackson Galaxy Stain & Odor Remover, White Vinegar, Nature's Miracle Cage Cleaner

Guinea Pig Ailments & Symptoms
Guinea Pigs are prey animals so they will hide illness. This is why it's so important to monitor their weight weekly and spend time with them every day so you can recognize anything out of the ordinary. A guinea pig's health can deteriorate very quickly and by the time problems become apparent, illnesses may be life-threatening. Guinea pigs very seldom get over an illness without help.
Choose a consistent day and time if possible to weigh your guinea pig, for example a Saturday or Sunday morning or when you are deep cleaning the cage. Set your digital kitchen scale to grams. We like to use a bowl or a shallow dish so the piggies are secure and they can't jump off the scale. Download and print out our weight tracker to record your guinea pigs weight. Fluctuation in weight is going to be your first sign that something is wrong. A plus or minus of 30 grams in a 2 week period is cause for concern.
Prompt, competent veterinary care is crucial. Find a guinea pig-knowledgeable exotics vet soon after adopting so you know whom to contact in an emergency. Visit our Guinea Pig Vet List to find a qualified exotic veterinarian near you.
Bladder Stones / UTI: Blood in Urine, Unable to Urinate, Weight Loss, Straining and Crying While Pooping
Bloat: Swollen Abdomen, Not Pooping
Ear Infection: Head Tilt, Loss of Balance
Giardia / GI Stasis: Soft or Runny Poop - Stop All Veggies for 24 hours, Seek Vet Care
Mites / Mange Mites / Fungal Infection: Hair loss, Red Flaky Skin, Excessive Scratching
Refusal to Eat or Drink (Contact Vet Immediately Begin Hand Feeding): URI, Teeth Issues, Pain
Upper Respiratory infection: Lethargy, Hunched Posture, Refusal to Eat or Drink, Crusty Eyes, Sneezing, Wheezing, Rough or Puffed Up Coat, Labored Breathing, Dull Eyes
Ovarian Cysts and Reproductive Issues in Females: Changes in Behavior Such as Constant Chasing and Mounting Cage Mates, Crusty Nipples, Hair Loss Along Sides, Bleeding from Vaginal Area
When to See a Vet
Weight Loss: a change in weight of 50 grams gained or lost at weekly weigh-in indicates an underlying health concern
Not Eating: Guinea Pigs must eat constantly to keep their GI tract moving. If pig has stopped eating you must syringe feed with critical care every 4 hours
Wheezing or labored breathing - Crusty eyes or nose
Sitting hunched in a corner
Bleeding from any opening - Blood in urine, squeaking while or difficulty urinating
Severe diarrhea or Bloated: Tummy should be soft & pliable, not inflated or hard
Head Tilt or Drooling, any other sever injury
Problems Defecating: If your pig isn’t pooping, see a vet asap
Hair Loss: more than just shedding can be serious
Any behavior unusual for your pig, such as facing a corner, turning down their favorite veggies, refusing any food can be an indication your guinea pig is seriously ill. Seek veterinary care immediately
Getting to Know Your New Guinea Pig Companions
When you first get your guinea pigs home, they will need some time to adjust to their new surroundings. They will probably be skittish and may hide and or run when you enter the room. It’s ok to start holding them and interacting gently with them, but be patient. Don’t forget, they’re prey animals and this means it’s natural for them to want to hide to protect themselves. With lots of love and patience, you’ll win over their trust. Guinea pigs are pretty good at learning when veggie time is too and before long they’ll be wheeking at the sound of your refrigerator opening!
In homes with small children (11 and under), we recommend parents pick up the guinea pigs and hand them to the child while the child is seated. Allowing a small child to walk around holding a scared and squirming piggy can lead to a dropped piggy.
Check out the following tips for bonding with your piggies:
Talk to them softly through the cage so they can get used to your voice. Try to greet them at eye level so they will be less afraid of how big you are compared to them.
Use a soft voice and slow movements. Guinea pigs are easily startled so try and keep noise to a minimum in the beginning.
Try and set a routine and it usually works best when food is involved! Bring them a Vitamin C cookie in the morning or a sprig of Cilantro, try coaxing them out with food and eventually they will look forward to it and come and snatch it from your hand.
You can start introducing lap time slowly. Most pigs do not like being picked up, but once you figure out your technique, it should get easier. Make lap time calm and safe for them. Offer some of their favorite treats or sprigs of hay so they learn to associate lap time with positive things.
Wrap them in a towel or blanket for lap time and bring snacks! Try a forage mix as well. Many piggies love the forage mixes and will come and eat it out of your hand.
It may take three to four months for them to start coming out of their shell. Look for signs of a happy pig like wheeking, popcorning, coming up to greet you and running laps around their cage.